Financial analysis and expertise for legal demand




     The sequence of stabilization plans that began in 1986 had as a common element the breaking and changing of  indexation rules, with the transfer of income between creditors and debtors. The profusion of indexes and adjustment rules, the changes in the monetary unit made losses and gains blurred. The Consultancy is capable of carrying out legal expertise in order to calculate the financial losses arising from the plans, and guide clients in the search for legal services in defence of their rights and assets.

         In this activity, the Consultancy acts as an expert and mediator in financial disputes, in projects, concessions, financing and financial investments. The company's owner is a member of the Permanent Body of arbitrators of the FGV Conciliation and Arbitration Chamber; Minas Gerais Mediation and Arbitration Center, CAMINAS; and Honorary Arbitrator of the Insurance Mediation and Arbitration Chamber of Espírito Santo.