Executive training programs



     The macroeconomic strategy simulator generated an interesting by-product for the training of executives and postgraduate students. The system was called the SE-BRASIL® Game , a dynamic and modern instrument for learning and improving training in setting up macroeconomic scenarios, in an environment subject to frequent changes . We are pioneers in this service in Brazil, and as far as we know, there are no other providers of this training. The Brazilian economy's environment is realistic and current, always with the latest statistics available. With this type of training, participants have the opportunity to experience crises and external shocks, and manage the Brazilian economy. It is excellent for developing a global vision of the basic problems of our economy to understand and anticipate the impacts of economic measures. There are two versions of the system: a single-user version , excellent for monitoring the reading and study of Macroeconomics texts; and another, interactive, for competitive environments with numerous participants.

     In the competitive version, the SE-BRASIL® game creates a realistic atmosphere of the macroeconomic problems faced by executives. The duration of the seminar is variable, adapted to the interests and training of the participants. In a short space of time, participants face a sequence of problems or "crises", the most varied and close to possible environments that could occur in Brazil.

     Since 1988, more than 1,400 executives have participated in the training program.