
Throughout its activity, the Consultancy has developed several products for the exclusive use of its clients. Our services are distributed across ten lines of action:


Development of specific and exclusive systems for companies for cyclical forecasting of the macroeconomic environment and specific markets, using the methodology of leading indicators. Leading indicators are also used in the management of portfolios and funds in the financial market. We are pioneers in this service in Brazil, with experience that began in the 80s.


SWOT analysis to identify critical factors of the organization. Creation of macro and sectoral scenarios, to support decisions for the strategic planning of companies and institutions, with econometric models and simulators developed for the Brazilian economy by competent economists and analysts with postgraduate courses in Brazil and abroad.


Research on the market potential for launching new products and identifying new consumer niches, broken down by states and regions of Brazil. The statistical information bank covers more than three hundred municipalities and all states in Brazil.



Preparation and evaluation of projects, from a financial and social perspective, for presentation to banks, official and international financing and development agencies. The Consultancy has recognized training in this area, including authoring texts and manuals in current use by official agencies and organizations.


Analysis and economic-financial expertise of projects, financial applications and processes in general, for guidance in legal demands.


Preparation and editing of “letters” and economic and political bulletins, specific to companies and institutions. Lectures on specific topics.


Development of systems for assembling and evaluating the performance of investment portfolios, to serve banks, pension funds, investment clubs, etc.






Development of systems for diagnosing and measuring the efficiency of companies and organizations, whether in comparison with competitors – and thus identifying weaknesses and areas for potential improvement – or in evaluating the relative performance of departments, employees, units and regional markets ; etc.


Training for senior management executives, using games and simulators of the environment faced by companies in their daily lives. Since 1988, more than 1,400 executives have participated in closed training using these modern teaching instruments.


Market research and opinion polls. We have teams available for market research in large consumer centers and other cities of our customers' choosing.